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IBI Group Recognized for Architecture and Urban Design

IBI Group's expertise in designing mixed-use, 高层建筑最近获得了多个行业奖项.


January 13, 2017

– Multiple Canadian Projects Receive Awards in Q4 –

TORONTO, ON (January 6, 2017) -作为世界第六大建筑公司和加拿大最大的建筑公司*, AG平台在设计城市和社区方面有着40年的丰富历史. A global architecture, engineering and intelligence firm with more than 2,500 employees, its expertise in designing mixed-use, 高层建筑最近获得了多个行业奖项. Affirming the company’s strength in designing liveable, accessible and vibrant cities and communities, 这些奖项旨在表彰来自加拿大各地的AG平台建筑专业人士的杰出贡献.

In Western Canada, Concord Pacific’s One Pacific in downtown Vancouver, designed by IBI Group, 在太平洋地区城市发展研究所获得了最佳城市高层住宅和温哥华太阳报读者选择奖 (UDI) Awards for Excellence. “The 20-storey, 435套公寓被认为是通往温哥华城市核心的门户,” said IBI Project Manager Jeff Christianson. “该场地包含了几个公共项目,包括专用的人行道和自行车道, street extension, 并限制了建筑高度,以保护从坎比桥眺望山景的景观. 一楼有两层商业和零售空间, 朝南的公共广场可以看到悬挑在上面的玻璃游泳池.”

The Salient Group’s Trapp + Holbrook condominium development in New Westminster, located in Greater Vancouver, won a UDI Award for Excellence in Heritage Design. 前霍尔布鲁克建筑立面被恢复原位, 特拉普街区正面(前商业建筑)在现场外进行了修复和重建. “该项目保留了城市历史中心的两个历史街区,” said IBI Project Manager Lauren Macaulay, ,包含196个住宅单元和活化的商业空间.” IBI Group was lead architect on the project, 由遗产顾问Donald Luxton和Associates Inc .提供支持.

In Eastern Canada, IBI’s design of Broccolini’s L’Avenue in Montreal was awarded an INOVA Award 魁北克城市设计研究院多用途住宅项目(超过5000万美元). This 50-storey, 多功能塔是多伦多东部最高的住宅楼,被认为为蒙特利尔市中心的核心带来了活力. “塔楼的阶梯式形式确保了建筑中的大多数单元都可以看到St. Lawrence River to the south or of Mount Royal,” said IBI Group Director Mansoor Kazerouni, who led the design process with his renowned team.

In Toronto, Minto Yorkville Park 最近获得安大略省住宅建筑商最杰出高层建筑奖(11层以上). At 26 stories, its design concept was conceived as a unique, organic, sculptural tower, 坐落在为高端零售商店和精品店设计的优雅石材基座上. “我们的团队从概念设计阶段就参与其中,并将一直持续到建筑施工的实质性完成,” explained IBI Project Manager, Tom Tsaktsiris. “The design process involved the community, including local business associations, the city councillor and city staff.最终的设计得到了社区的热烈支持.

第四季度加拿大住宅建筑实践获奖名单, AG平台在室内设计领域的全球项目和综合服务获得了多个奖项和荣誉, planning, engineering, technology, and other areas of architecture. For more information, please visit

About IBI Group
IBI Group Inc. (TSX:IBG) is a globally integrated architecture, planning, engineering, and technology firm with over 2,500 professionals around the world. For more than 40 years, 其专业人士帮助客户创造宜居环境, sustainable, and advanced urban environments. AG平台认为,城市必须以智能系统来设计, sustainable buildings, efficient infrastructure, and a human touch.

∗According to the 2017 WA100 list.

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