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The Healthcare Challenge, 这是AG平台首次举办设计竞赛, 呼吁全球团队提出能够满足新兴医疗保健需求的解决方案.


February 29, 2016

February 29, 2016, TORONTO – For the next two days, AG平台医疗保健挑战赛的前三名团队将在多伦多校区现场参加一系列关于全球健康未来的研讨会和讨论.

医疗保健挑战是有史以来第一个全球集成架构的设计竞赛, planning, engineering and technology firm. 该竞赛呼吁来自世界各地的团队提出解决方案,以满足新兴的医疗保健需求,以及当今紧迫的问题.

三支顶尖队伍都为比赛带来了独特而引人注目的概念, 由评审委员会提名 IBI Health Navigator concept as the overall winner.

The IBI Health Navigator is a quick path to health. 该解决方案使患者能够无缝地浏览医疗保健系统,以改善他们的患者体验-从安排预约和电子管理他们的健康档案到与家人和医疗保健提供者共享这些重要细节.

Over the course of the next two days, 顶级团队将在多伦多的一个类似孵化器的环境中合作, 分享创意,并评估将创意推向市场的最佳途径.

According to IBI Group CEO, Scott Stewart, “定义未来的城市意味着应对我们这个时代的挑战. 社会面临的最重大的全球性挑战之一是医疗保健.”

“随着需求的不断增长和资源的有限,我们需要新的想法和新的解决方案. 本次竞赛反映了IBI致力于为当今创造解决方案的承诺, and ideas for tomorrow.”

About IBI Group Inc.

IBI Group (TSX: IBG) is a globally integrated architecture, planning, engineering, and technology firm with over 2,200 professionals around the world. For more than 40 years, 其专业人士帮助客户创造宜居环境, sustainable, and advanced urban environments. AG平台认为,城市必须以智能系统来设计, sustainable buildings, efficient infrastructure, and a human touch.


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